Saturday, November 10, 2012

Are Emiratis Ethnocentric? Map

Drawing of Ethnocentric Situation

A Class Divided Summary

The Documentary was based on eye color with two different groups. These two groups were in third grade and all of them were white. Jane Elliot, the teacher began to ask the class whether the people in America are treated equally. The children replied yes and pointed out that the blacks and the Indian Americans were not treated like “brothers”.  She did this experiment to help the students to understand how discrimination affects lives.

She divided the class over two days the first day the blue eyed were the superior and the the second day she made the brown eyed superior.  Some ways that Elliott made one group feel superior is by having five minutes extra recess, they can drink directly from the fountain and can play on the playgrounds equipment. And the other less superior had to drink with a paper cup form the fountain, couldn't play with the superior group, they couldn't play with the playground equipment and had to wear collars around their neck so they could be easily seen.

In conclusion I think that this was very important lesson for the students it would help understand how discrimination works and how it can emotional affect people. I think it’s a good idea that she did this with a young students as they can learn from a young age not to discriminate.

People With Disabilities

People with Disabilities have achieved many things some more than an ordinary person will ever achieve.  The only different is that they might find it difficult to learn or express their emotions as shown in the “Down’s syndrome in 21st century” video.  Some families take this as blessing towards them as some children with disabilities are more discipline. But people with disabilities should not be looked down on. For example the Katy Perry video it showed a girl who vastly improved in social behavior and had a chance to sing with Katy Perry. A great example of an extraordinaire person with disabilities is Stephan hawking who is a theoretical physicist. In conclusion they should not be treated differently than others. 

The Quotation Quiz

Goal 3 Culture & Communication

Outcome 4

Name:   Hamad Baharoon                  ID#          h00253007                          

With a partner, research the internet to find the missing categories. Write the meaning of the quote in your own words from your own ideas:

Cultural Views

 Dwight D. Eisenhower
A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.
People with privileges must help unprivileged people in order to keep their principles with their privileges otherwise they will lose both.
 Martin Luther King
All men are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality.

Every person is linked somehow.
Sheik Zayed
 "A nation without a past is a nation without a present or a future. Thanks to God, our nation has a flourishing civilisation, deep-rooted in this land for many centuries. These roots will always flourish and bloom in the glorious present of our nation and in its anticipated future.
Any country that doesn’t value its past, can’t appreciate its present or future. This country, thanks to God, has a rich past, does well for now and its expected future.
Every individual is a meeting ground for many different allegiances, and sometimes these loyalties conflict with one another and confront the person who harbors them with difficult choices.
 Sometimes it’s hard to choose what allegiances to follow because it may conflict with another.   
  Mohandas Gandhi
A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and souls of its people.
 Cultures exists in the acts of the  people
Traditions deserve to be respected only insofar as they are respectable – that is, exactly insofar as they themselves respect the fundamental rights of men and women.
 Different cultures should respect rights of both genders.
ML King Jr.
God doesn’t care about skin color. God cares about freedom for everyone.
 Desmond Tutu
My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together.
 All humans are equal and there is no difference.
Frank Borman
 The view of the Earth from the Moon fascinated me—a small disk, 240,000 miles away. It was hard to think that that little thing held so many problems, so many frustrations. Raging nationalistic interests, famines, wars, pestilence don't show from that distance.
Looking at the earth from space, one wonders why we can’t get along decently.
 Pablo Casals
The love of one’s country is a splendid thing, but why should it stop at the border?
 A person should love not only his country but others as well.
DD. Eisenhower
 A world that begins to witness the rebirth of trust among nations can find its way to a peace that is neither partial nor punitive. With all who will work in good faith toward such a peace, we are ready, with renewed resolve, to strive to redeem the near-lost hopes of our day.
If people of the world can’t get along, nothing will work.
 Sheikh Zayed
Many countries go to war and then towards reconciliation. The history of mankind is full of stories of wars between people and states that have come together after fighting for long. Why can't Arabs be like them?
 Countries have fought and then made peace this has happened many times. Arabs should learn from this.
 Matrin Luther King
 People should be judged by their acts rather than where they come from.
For it is often the way we look at other people that imprisons them within their own narrowest allegiances. And it is also the way we look at them that may set them free.

 Don’t judge other people because of their allegiances.


Monday, October 1, 2012

Quiz – What are Multiculturalism, Assimilation and Acculturation?

Quiz – What are Multiculturalism, Assimilation and Acculturation?

True or False? If FALSE, write the TRUE answer.

1.       A Multicultural society can be described as a society with a single set of values.
 False, Society containing multiply cultures
2.       A “salad bowl” represents varied and separate cultures.
3.       One aspect of Multiculturalism is respecting different cultures.
4.       Cultural Diversity can be represented by a “melting pot”
False, cultural diversity can be represented by a "salad bowl"
5.       Acculturation means learning the culture of your birth country.
 False, Integrate to a different culture

Define in your own words:

1.       “Melting Pot”: A country in which a blending of races and culture is taking place.

2.       “Salad Bowl”: A country with Different Cultures does not merge into a single homogeneous culture.

3.       “Assimilation”: Understand fully another culture.

4.       “Acculturation”: Integrate to a different culture. 

5.       “Enculturation”: a person learns values and behaviors that are appropriate to the surrounding cultures .

Complete the sentence with words from the text:

Acculturation often results in changes to culture, `customs and social institution, as well as changes in food, clothing and language.

Give a synonym:


Give the opposite:

dominant group
Minor group
contrasted with
Similar with

Culture and Personality in Anthropology

Read the section about Culture and Personality in Anthropology. Answer these questions about that section:-

Define “Anthropology” in your own words
The study of humankind
Define “movement” in this context

What do you understand by “socialization of children” Give an example?
Development of cultural identity in children e.g different ways of feeding and talking

4.       Read this sentence again and give examples of childrearing in different societies and cultures: “socialization creates personality patterns. It helps shape peoples emotions, thoughts, behaviors, cultural values and norms to fit into and function as productive members in the surrounding human society. The study of culture and personality demonstrates that different socialization practices such as childrearing in different societies (cultures) result in different personality types.”

5.       Read this sentence again and say to what extent you agree: “all humans are the same when born, but childrearing in different societies causes deviations in behavior and personalities from each other.”

6.       Reflect on the reading above. Can you see a link between your culture and your personality? Think about that in relation to your own culture first, and then think about personality and culture in a different society. Reflect. Give examples.